Sunday, November 13, 2011

Our first step is to define what success means to us!

Too many of us go through life without reaching success, not because we haven't tried, but simply because we've failed to define what success even means to us.  How can we reach success if we don't even know what it is?  Instead, we sleepwalk through life, doing the things we've been told we're supposed to do and wondering why deep inside it doesn't feels quite right. 

Our first step, then is to define what success means to us.  Is is success in our career?  Having a healthy and happy family?  Becoming a published writer?  Making a positive impact on the world?  Sit down with a pad and paper and start brainstorming what success looks like to you.  And don't forget your childhood dreams either, some may still have a place in your life!  Don'tt edit what you write.  Don't second guess yourself.  Write until your hand hurts.  Hidden somewhere in the results will be your destiny!

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