Sunday, November 27, 2011

Get more of what you want in life by setting SMART Goals!

Studies show that only three percent of us set goals and they accomplish ten times more than the rest of us do!  Goal setting is one of the most important tools successful people use to reach success way beyond the levels of ordinary mortals.

Sit down and give careful thought to what you want to achieve over the coming weeks, months, and years.  Goal setting is quick, easy and incredibly effective.   Only a small investment in tine and effort will yield amazing results!   It's guaranteed to help you achieve more of what you want in life faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible!

If you've ever taken a business course or read books on goal setting, you've probably already been introduced to the concept of SMART goals.

S - Specific.  The goal must not be vague, but as specific as possible.

M - Measurable.  The goal must be something you can measure.  In other words "be happy," can not be a goal, but, "buy a new house," or "publish my book" can be. 

A - Actionable or achievable.  You must be able to directly influence the outcome of your efforts.  "Win the lottery" can not be a goal as that is something completely out of your control. "Lose 20 pounds," is actionable, as is, "Start my own Blog."

R - Realistic.  Your goal must be realistic.  It must be something that is humanly possible for you to achieve.  "Become President of the United States," is probably not a realistic goal for you, but, "Become City Council President" just may be.  If the goal is too big to be realistic, break the goal down in smaller steps. 

T - Timed.  The exact date for achieving the goal must be set.  The goal can not be open ended.  Timing your goal adds urgency and motivation for you to complete the goal in a timely manner.  The goal, "Lose 20 pounds," would be completed with a date, "Lose 20 pounds by December 31, 2012."

SMART goals meet all the above criteria.  SMART goals work because the vague nature of our wants and desires are now defined.  In their place are highly targeted goals that give you razor sharp focus to achieve your dreams.

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